
Our Heroes

Angel Ramirez

Another Veteran whose life has changed thanks to Corsos for Heroes. As soon as Angel and Yoda met there was an immediate connection. Yoda has been a blessing in his life and will continue to help our Hero navigate through the difficult times.

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Andrew Brewer US Army – 2009-2014

Puppy – Siix     Andrew Brew was a veteran of the US Army serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2009-2010. While in Iraq he operated a Burn Pit on his assigned combat outpost and was exposed to numerous toxins. He left the military in 2014 to welcome his first child, Gaige. Andrew was diagnosed with PTSD, Constrictive Bronchiolitis due to toxic exposure from the Burn Pits, and many other illness due to the toxic exposure. Andrew is passionate about advocating  for veterans with special interest in Toxic Exposure veterans like himself. Andrew has done several interviews as well as table talks on these topics and more to share his story and advocate for others.  When he is not doing that he enjoys spending time with his wife Courtney, 2 daughters and son, playing card games, and relaxing at the beach. He and his wife Courtney continue to advocate for all veterans and their families in the hope that they wont have to go through what they did and guide them through these issues. Andrew will be receiving his new best friend and Service Dog Siix at Corsos for Heroes Telethon on Nov 7 2021 and couldn’t be more excited. Their first meeting showed an immediate connection as seen in these pictures. Thanks to Corsos for Heroes another life will be changed forever.

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Mauricio Bermudez – Reserve Lieutenant – 13 years

Puppy – Jarood This puppy has been such a blessing to not only me but my family. In such a short time we have bonded and he definitely knows I am his handler. Jarood has so behaved around me and other people. Whenever I leave my house he will sit by the front window and wait for me to come home. He also has pushed me to walk again even with chronic foot pain, before I had no desire to do so but now I push through it and take Jarood on walks and it helps me every day. I am so grateful to have met Harry and to Corsos for Heroes. It has changed my life already and I am looking forward to many more years with my forever friend and service dog Jarood!

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Trent Murphy – Us Army Sergeant 7 yrs

Trent Murphy Us Army Sergeant 7 yrs Puppy- Rogue Our Heroe with his new Service dog was recently highlighted on Telemundo News here in Florida. Another life changed forever! Welcome to the Corsos for Heroes family, we are excited to watch your relationship grow. Another life changed forever!

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Shawn Michaud – 82nd Airborne Division

My name is Shawn Michaud. I received a Cane Corso named Sarafina from Corsos for Heroes in June of 2000. Since that time, Sarafina and I have completed Service Dog training at K9’s on the Front Line. I served in the 82nd Airborne Division as a paratrooper and I suffered a TBI in training and developed PTSD and numerous spinal and neurological injuries as a result. “Fina” helps me with mobility, sleep, hypervigilance, and is the greatest gift.

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Rafael Ortiz – US Army 20 Yrs

Rafael Ortiz Puppy – Bella US Army 20 Yrs Corsos for Heroes has changed his life since the day he met Bella. The relationship between a Veteran and his Service Dog is one that bonds immediately and continues to grow. As a part of the Corsos for Heroes Family it is our honor to watch Bella and Rafael grow together and help each other navigate through everyday life!

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Nathaniel Heath Price – US Army 8 yrs

Nathaniel Heathprice US Army 8 yrs Puppy – Tank Nate was so excited to get his Service dog from the first day they met they bonded. Nate has difficulty speaking due to his injuries but he made sure we knew by a simple thumbs up. Nate came every week to see Tank it was an amazing transformation to watch. The day he was presented with his forever friend to take home was a great day for Nate and they are doing amazing since!  

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Mike Vetra – US Army Sgt 26 years

Mike Vetra US Army Sgt 26 years Puppy – Bear I want to thank Harry and Corsos for Heroes for donating one of their amazing puppies to me. The entire process was professional and user friendly. I sent them an email asking about a support dog and they replied immediately! I was shocked at how fast they responded and impressed. They reached out to me with a phone call and we talk for an hour about the program and how it could help me. We scheduled a time where I could come visit them and meet the dogs. Right away they were more than welcoming. Once I was introduced to Bear I fell in love with him. He was such a big Puppy yet so well behaved and mild mannered for a puppy that was only 5 months old. Harry explained everything about the program why they breed their dogs and what they breed them for. Their program is amazing, they strive to help as many veterans and 1st responders with dogs that can help them live their lives in peace again. The only goal is to help others live a happy life. I have had Bear a little over a month now and it has been great. We have begun pur training program and he is doing amazing with it. I am shocked how well behaved he is and that is because Harry did such a great job raising and socializing these dogs. I can never repay him for his contribution to me and my family and only hope that they can reach as many veterans and 1st responders in need as they have done for me. My life has truly been forever changed thanks to Corso’s for Heroes.

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Julius Pietras – Precision Weapons Specialist

Julius Pietras Puppy – Nala US Marine Corp 8 Yrs Precision Weapons Specialist Since meeting Harry with Corsos for Heroes and receiving my puppy Nala, I have had a renewed outlook on going into public spaces that would normally make me feel uncomfortable. Nala is giving me the confidence to step back out without the fears that I once had. I truly feel blessed God has used Harry’s friendship and my dog Nala to breathe hope into my everyday life. I walk more confidently with my dog, my battle buddy, my friend, by my side I can’t thank you enough, my life has changed for the better because of Corsos for Heroes.

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John Village

When Corsos for Heroes placed Xena with me, it was a transformative event in my life. I feel honored to have been chosen to care for such a magnificent animal. This dog has brought such joy and fullness to my daily life. The companionship alone has impacted my very soul. I’ve spent almost twenty seven years in the U.S.Army, the first six and a half years as an Infantryman, and the last twenty years in Special Forces as a Green Beret. I’ve had six combat tours, starting from the first Gulf war to multiple deployments in the Global War on Terror and Afghanistan. My spirit has been damaged by countless traumas throughout my career. The accompaniment and love that Xena provides keeps me balanced which is something that I was missing since I retired. She gives me hope and purpose that I otherwise would not have. Being part of the Corsos for Heroes family has been such a positive experience for me. I want to thank you, Xena thanks you, and my girlfriend especially thanks you. Sincerely John Village  

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Joe Phanton – Special Forces Green Beret

To whom it may concern. I am a former Special Forces Green Beret that did nine combat tours over 20 years to Iraq and Afghanistan. During this time, I fought against the enemy hundreds of times and suffered multiple Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), concussions, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As I began to exit the military, I suffered from alcoholism. I drank to drown out the invisible wounds of war, my lost brothers, physical injuries, etc. I was attempting to drink until I blacked out, and given the medications I was on, it was a horrible combination. One day, a good friend of mine called and told me I needed to meet Sophia. While I’m a dog lover, I wasn’t actively looking for one. At the property where I met Sophia, she came out of the kennels, only came up to me and checked me out. She then went off and ran around the property. After several minutes, Sophia came back and sat down right next to me. Sophia had chosen me. Sophia is a lover that needs constant attention and interaction. She loves to cuddle and follows me everywhere; I mean everywhere. Sophia goes around with me, even in public. She has changed my life in the most positive way possible, given me a new purpose, and increased my life quality to a new high. Sophia helps me deal with the stresses of life and is always there to pick me up. Because of her, my PTSD and alcohol consumption is significantly lower. I could never express to anyone just how much Sophia means to me Sincerely, Joe Phanton

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Francisco Oquendo – Sergeant Major

I am Sergeant Major Francisco Oquendo. I served my country for 23 years active duty and 8 years as a government contractor. I worked all 31 years in the special operations community conducting strategic missions throughout the globe. I am 100% disabled. This lifestyle does take a toll on the body and the mind. Before PTSD was identified as a real injury it was frowned upon to even mention that you had those types of feelings. It was best just to keep quiet and deal with it the best way you can. Well, we all know that tactic doesn’t work. It costs me 2 marriages a drinking problem and a major anger issue against all people who could not relate to what I have been through. Then Harry Toro contacted me and told me he wanted to give me one of his dogs. I was very reluctant for about 1 year. I was living by myself in an RV traveling from state to state. Staying away from as many people as I could. I did this for almost 4 years. I finally called Harry and told him I would take a dog but I was having doubts about the responsibility and everything that it entailed. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made. Niche my black Cane Corso gave me nothing but love and affection, made me laugh, and calmed me down from always being on guard. This amazing dog also gave me a purpose to do things every day. I eventually decided to move back to NC to spend time with my family and Niche made that happen for me. Shortly after, I found my soulmate and I believe that would not have happened without the love and dedication that this dog has given me. Digging me out from the emotional pain and mental anguish that I was in, Niche saved my life. He is always by my side. Harry’s breed of Corsos is the most loving and devoted breed of dog I have ever seen, lifesavers. It is my true belief that Harry’s vision and goals for disabled veterans by using his dogs are a Godsend. Thank you Harry for all you do!

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Eric Heal – US Air Force E-3/A1C

I’m Thankful for Corsos for Hero’s. I was a recipient of a beautiful female Sydney (formerly Phiona). I travelled from Maine to Lutz Florida to meet Harry to receive my dog. He spent the day with me introducing me and Sydney. Gave me tips on how to handle her(walking techniques/etc). He was very accommodating..with pizza and soda for lunch and a tour of his location and shared his vision of expansion..since returning to Maine he has frequently reached out being a very help resource and supportive of me and the wonderful companion he connected me with.. Sydney has been very helpful and is the link that has been missing in my life.. she is extremely loyal, loving and helpful.. she keeps me calm when I get anxiety.. she is my loyal listener.. she keeps me calm and grounded as well as focused. It nice to be needed and have her to give me focus. She depends on me as much as I do her.. I am eternally grateful for the companionship and constant devotion she provides and love, as well as her help in my everyday life. I am very thankful for Harry and Corsos for Heroes organization, it has truly changed my life! Thank You for everything.. Eric Heal  

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Elbert Wren – US Marine Corps 11 years

  Puppy – Grace Another Hero with his forever friend and Service dog Grace. It was love at first sight when these 2 met and have become inseparable since. Another life changed thanks to Corsos for Heroes!

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Corey Alan Boivin – US Air Force 10 Years

Puppy – Hank Words from Shawn Michaud about Corey and his Service dog Hank. Thank you for this amazing testimony! Answer me this… Have you ever? Seen a 4 month old puppy on its 1st day with its new owner sit and stay upon command in a public setting, i.e. Boardwalk on Clearwater beach? Seen a 4 month old puppy lay down at an outdoor restaurant and watch other dogs cross 1′ in front of his face without so much as flicking a nostril? Seen a 4 month old puppy sit in the heel position on a sidewalk in a populated area while a child is pushing his buddy with a shopping cart at full stride 1′ in front of that puppy’s paws and not break sit? Meet Hank. He is a Cane Corso and he is a service dog. He serves an Airman Corey Boivin who is near and dear to my extended family’s heart and he is a huge part of that family. The only bloodline shared is through our service dogs, but the love is STRONG! Thank you for this, Harry Toro, I don’t know what the hell you did with Hank, but he is THE most amazing dog I have ever met. You know my standards and have seen them develop and I am amazed. That warrior NEEDED an easy transition, and by God you provided….. Again. How on earth does my family repay this?? Corsos for Heroes!!!!! Who are the REAL heroes?  

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Joshua Evans

Served in the US Army for 10 years Joshua was shot multiple times and still kept fighting, a true Hero. He suffers from PTSD among other conditions. His Service Dog Valkyre is now his best friend and helps him navigate through all those difficult times he never was able to. He is grateful to Corsos for Heroes and says his life was saved the day he met Harry and his puppy and can’t imagine life without Valkyre, such an amazing animal.

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Adam Pierce, Deputy Sheriff

My name is Adam Pierce. From the time I was a teenager all I wanted to be was a law enforcement officer. I loved the idea of catching the bad guys and making it easier for the good people to sleep at night. I worked hard and even got into the police academy at an early age. I started working as a deputy at 19 years of age and found out that I was rather good at my job. I enjoyed working in the rougher areas of town. It gave me an opportunity to gain a rapport with the good residents of the area while still chasing down the bad guys. All of that changed for me though on Monday, October 10th, 2005. While attempting to assist another deputy in arresting a drug dealer he pulled out a gun and shot me twice. Once in the head and once in the neck. The second bullet went through my lung and into my spinal cord, severing it. My life completely changed at that moment. I was 25 years old. I went on to recover as much as possible and learn to live my life from a wheelchair with a spinal cord injury. I tried to continue working in law enforcement for many years but eventually, the physical and mental pain of going to work every day got to me and I retired in 2016. Retirement was brought on time and with time came reflection. I hadn’t dealt with my injury and as I lived retired life I began to have anxiety and panic attacks. Then depression. I started medication but eventually, it stopped working and I was in a bad place. One day, something inside me told me that I needed a service dog. I hoped having a companion like that would help me. I started looking into the process of finding a service dog but discovered a few problems. I wasn’t military firstly. Being injured as a law enforcement officer the way I was is tragic but, admittedly uncommon. There were plenty of organizations dedicated to helping out soldiers but none for law enforcement. I looked into buying a dog and found the cost to be astronomical and that didn’t include training. By chance one day, I happened to mention to a military veteran friend who has a dog that I was looking for one. He excitedly told me to lookup an organization called Corsos For Heros out of Tampa. That they gave cane Corsos out as service dogs. I was appreciative but skeptical due to my status as only police. I contacted them anyway though and after speaking to Harry for maybe 15 minutes he told me they wanted to give me a dog. I was stunned and overjoyed. Several months later Nova came along and has saved my life. She’s been challenging at times but she makes every day worthwhile. She’s shown me that it’s ok to just….be. She’s now 10 months old and has graduated basic obedience, is doing well in advanced, and has started learning service dog commands like touch and hold. She somehow knows how to handle my anxiety without even being taught. She sleeps with me at night and eases my wake-up in the mornings. She’s helped me feel more at ease in stores and comforts me when I have to get gas; I was shot at a gas station. Harry and Corsos For Heroes are unbelievable. His dedication to people he doesn’t even know is more than admirable. He’s saving lives every day and deserves everything he needs in life to continue his work. DFC Adam Pierce Ret. Orange County Sheriff’s Office

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